Jun 26, 2018
We were honored to speak this week with Heidi Tucker. She is an award-winning author and speaker. Her passion for writing and speaking about light and hope has inspired thousands. Heidi is known as a great storyteller who believes that every story not only teaches a gospel principle, but can make you feel it. She has...
Jun 19, 2018
Father’s Day was this week. Did you make the dads in your life feel special? We wanted to celebrate all the fathers out there. We brought Kirby Heyborne on the podcast to lighten things up. Kirby is a husband, father, comedian, actor, and audio narrator. With Kirby’s hilarious sense of humor we talk about...
Jun 12, 2018
Don’t we all want to be happy? Although we cannot control our happiness 100% we do have some control. How happy we feel is 50% genetic, 10% circumstance and 40% up to you! Today we talk to Hank Smith, professor, speaker, and author. We discuss his book, “Be Happy: Simple Secrets to a Happier Life” and talk...
Jun 5, 2018
Summer is here! Does this create excitement or fear? I always have a mix of emotions. I’m excited to have a more relaxed schedule, and do some of the things that we don’t have time for during the school year. But, anxiety creeps up in me as I think about how to keep my kids busy ALL DAY. This week we talk to Jenny...