Aug 25, 2020
Lindsay Nielson from @thelindsayreport visits with us today about the mental game of this life. Dealing with frustration, disappointment, chronic illness, and mundane tasks are a part of our life experience. Lindsay identifies 6 key phrases that we can use as we live the path we are on that will help to keep putting...
Aug 18, 2020
Mornings, after school, and bedtime--- these are by far the hardest times for moms to navigate. Help is here, Mom Squad! On today's show we bring you one of our favorite mom helpers out there: Whitney Archibald from “How She Moms” ( If you are not familiar with her website, then just know...
Aug 11, 2020
Liz Edmunds, author of two books and star of the TV show, "The Food Nanny", visited with us today about the quickly disappearing tradition of family dinner. She shared her enthusiasm for her mission to bring it back to families across the world and explained why it’s worth fighting for. Her passion, heart, and down to...
Aug 4, 2020
In this episode, the three of us take it easy and just let the conversation roll! Some of the things we covered were:
Weird things we do when we get older, things we have learned about ourselves from COVID, embracing our changing bodies, and so much more! Join us for friends chat!