Apr 30, 2019
If you would love to travel more with your family but just don’t know how to make it happen, then this episode is for you!
Jessica from “Flying With Four” is with us this week discussing how she (a kindergarten teacher) and her husband have found ways to take their four kids (ages 9-2) on multiple trips inside...
Apr 23, 2019
Dana Suchow is an eating disorder survivor who resides in New York City. “Since overcoming Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder and exercise compulsion that resulted in permanent injuries, Dana Suchow has become an expert in the field of body image and eating disorder prevention. Offering a nonclinical and holistic...
Apr 16, 2019
Would you like to learn the top 3 ways to easily start saving money today? We’ve got you covered! Melissa Blandford is with us and is here to teach us how to secure our financial future no matter where we are today!
Melissa and her husband successfully dug out of $30,000 of debt and have stayed debt free despite...
Apr 9, 2019
Jessica Smartt is the author of the book “Memory-Making Mom: Building Traditions That Breathe Life Into Your Home." . Jessica wrote the book because she knows the deep importance of traditions for families and for children. Traditions give children a sense of “belonging” within their family. Jessica wanted to...
Apr 2, 2019
This week it's just the three of us talking about our favorite things in life right now. We hit topics ranging from favorite products, to movies, recipes, music (Beth even sings), books, to our favorite episodes of the podcast.
We hope you will enjoy the episode! Check out our webpage at