Oct 30, 2018
Does it seem right that when you have children you suddenly lose your sleep, your free time, your sanity and YOUR BODY? In my naive mind, I thought I would say good-bye to my pre-baby body for nine months while I was pregnant and then life would go back to normal. HA! I am still searching for that body. I hope someday...
Oct 23, 2018
I am a planner. When I am entering a new situation, I like to know what is happening, visualize the outcome and plan for all variables, So, needless to say when I was pregnant with my first child, I PLANNED. I read numerous parenting books and observed what other parents did (and of course, I told myself I would NEVER...
Oct 16, 2018
There is a scene in the Disney animated version of Robin Hood that often comes to mind. (Please watch it with your kids. It’s important to their development. And yours. I promise!) All of the characters are animated animals. Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham have just discovered that Robin Hood is at their...
Oct 8, 2018
I honestly believe there were lines that we could get in before we were born. One of those lines was for potential parents and it was labeled "Those Who Want To Spend Your Life Running Around Like a Chicken With Its Head Cut Off Line Up Here." The other was probably something like "Living With Purpose and Having Your...
Oct 2, 2018
True story...one day, on a mom fail DAY, I allowed my sons to play video games for HOURS. Finally after I finished whatever project it was that had distracted me from paying attention to my boys, I told my boys to get off their devices. As soon as my boys got off, it was like a fog had been lifted from them. They told...