Jan 15, 2019
If you were asked to describe an extraordinary mom, what words would you use? Patient, devoted, intentional, energetic, creative, authentic, fun...the list could go on and on.
I’d bet that the list wouldn’t include words and phrases like: flustered, hanging on to sanity by her fingernails, trying and sometimes succeeding, pretty average and utterly exhausted.
Next question: Which words would you use to describe yourself?
If you’re like me, 99% of the time I would be perfectly portrayed by the second description, and for good reason. Not to disparage myself too greatly. For 10 or 15 minutes a day week month I am totally extraordinary. Usually, though, I feel like I’m one stomach flu away from the loony bin.
Well, according to Jessica Dahlquist of the “Extraordinary Moms” and “Everyday Extraordinary” podcasts, all moms are extraordinary...even me. She says that “We need to take on the badge of extraordinary because of what we’ve signed up for in the first place.” Motherhood is not for the faint of heart and should be celebrated in all of its x-ray needing, potty training, baby giggling glory!
Jessica has been on a mission to help moms see their greatness. She, like us, believes that moms are doing better than they think. She believes that “Every person has a story, and (she) loves helping them identify the value they are making in the world.”
Through hundreds of interviews on her podcast, Jessica has identified four common traits that extraordinary moms have.
We explore those four traits as well as plenty of other things in this episode!