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Family Looking Up

Feb 25, 2020

Most parents have at least one strong willed kid.  Sometimes these kids bring some interesting challenges to unsuspecting parents.  Larry and Kami Kerby from "Parenting Rocks" are with us this week sharing lessons they've learned from Parenting With Love and Logic as they have dealt with strong willed kids in their home...

Feb 18, 2020

"Parenting teenagers" is often spoken in dreaded tones.  Though it is true that some teens are harder than others (like any child in any phase) parenting most teens can be an exhilarating roller coaster ride that is both fun and challenging.  Watching this age group develop and fly is an amazing experience.  This week...

Feb 11, 2020

Triggers.  We all have them no matter how much we wish we didn't!  How does the saying go?  To trigger is human, to parent is divine.  Something like that.   

Amber Lia, author of "Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses" and "Marriage Triggers" is with us this week helping us to...

Feb 4, 2020

Motherhood is hard.  We've talked openly about the fact that mothers are put through similar torturous tactics as those employed by terrorists (namely sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, and brainwashing.  If you don't believe the last one you clearly have never engaged with a three year old who isn't getting their...