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Family Looking Up

Apr 17, 2018

Rachel is a mother of two miracle babies via adoption and IVF, a former high school English teacher, and a podcaster at 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms.  This week we had a conversation about resisting the need to constantly entertain our children, but instead creating special “highlights” with them.   Here is what we discussed in this week’s episode:

“In motherhood, the hard Moments outnumber the perfect moments, but the perfect moments outweigh the hard moments.” Saren Loosli

  1. Rachel’s journey to motherhood.
  2. Rachel’s experience with her son’s open adoption.
  3. The anxieties associated with adoption.  
  4. How to cope with the reality of motherhood that doesn’t always live up to the expectations of motherhood.
  5. The explanation of a family “Highlight” and how they help moms create meaningful experiences with their kids without feeling overwhelmed.
  6. How we can keep things easy and maintainable while still creating memories.  Everything doesn’t have to be “pinterest worthy.”
  7. Why it’s important to stop taking so many pictures of our kids and experience the moment.
  8. Examples of Highlights from Rachel’s family and how to apply them to our own families.
  9. It’s the simple moments of connection that matter the most to our families.
  10. The value of scheduling Highlights for our families.
  11. Looking for opportunities to seize a moment with our child to create a Highlight in their life.
  12. The importance of looking for the “flecks of gold” in motherhood.

MOM SQUAD CHALLENGE: Seize a Highlight moment.  Look for a time when you can jump in and make a memory with your kids.